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Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives


C. Chainais-Hillairet has been a member of the ANR MOONRISE project. The MOONRISE project aimed at exploring modeling, mathematical, and numerical issues originating from the presence of high oscillations in nonlinear PDEs mainly from the physics of nanotechnologies and from the physics of plasmas.

C. Chainais-Hillairet and T. Rey are members of the ANR MOHYCON project. The MOHYCON project is related to the analysis and simulation of multiscale models of semiconductors. As almost all current electronic technology involves the use of semiconductors, there is a strong interest for modeling and simulating the behavior of such devices, which was recently reinforced by the development of organic semiconductors used for example in solar panels or in mobile phones and television screens (among others).

C. Cancès is a member of the ANR COMODO project. The COMODO project focuses on the mathematical and numerical study of cross-diffusion systems in moving domains. The targeted application is the simulation of the building of solar plants by the vapour deposition process.

M. Herda is a member of the ANR JCJC MICMOV project. The MICMOV project aims at gathering PDE analysts, probability theorists, and theoretical physicists to work on the derivation of macroscopic properties of physical systems from their microscopic description. The rigorous microscopic description of moving interfaces, the understanding of macroscopic nonlocal effects, and the mathematical apprehension of the underlying atomic mechanisms, are particularly important matters of this project.


The “Laboratoire d'Excellence” C entre E uropéen pour les M athématiques, la P hysique et leurs I nteractions (CEMPI), a project of the Laboratoire de mathématiques Paul Painlevé (LPP) and the laboratoire de Physique des Lasers, Atomes et Molécules (PhLAM), was created in the context of the “Programme d'Investissements d'Avenir” in February 2012.

The association Painlevé-PhLAM creates in Lille a research unit for fundamental and applied research and for training and technological development that covers a wide spectrum of knowledge stretching from pure and applied mathematics to experimental and applied physics.

One of the three focus areas of CEMPI research is the interface between mathematics and physics. This focus area encompasses three themes. The first is concerned with key problems of a mathematical, physical and technological nature coming from the study of complex behavior in cold atoms physics and nonlinear optics, in particular fiber optics. The two other themes deal with fields of mathematics such as algebraic geometry, modular forms, operator algebras, harmonic analysis and quantum groups that have promising interactions with several branches of theoretical physics.


T. Rey has been the laureate in 2019 of a Young Researcher PEPS grant from CNRS's INSMI (3 500 euros, from March to November 2019). The granted project aimed at investigating high-order (in time and velocity) numerical methods for approximating the solutions to the granular gases equation.